Haroon Shares

Why now?

I've been meaning to write this first post for a while, between my appendix being taken out sometime in December 2024 and what appears to be a pretty high level of procrastination, here I am, finally sitting down at 6:19pm, 15 days into the new year writing this.

Why now? That's the question I've asked myself. Why have I decided to start a blog now?

I've narrowed it down to a couple of reasons... so far.

  • I think it'll be beneficial to me, selfishly. My intention isn't for this blog to become super popular. I don't really care if anyone reads it - it's just my little corner on the internet, although my wife will most likely read it and be the grammar police.

At its core, this is a way for me to blurt out anything I need to get off my brain, to free up space. (For a lack of better words)

I hear writing helps relieve stress too.

  • I like the idea of documenting. I want to reflect on life experiences and things that are of interest to me. As I grow older, I want to see how I change, along with my opinions and perceptions.

I'm constantly trying to grow as an individual.

In my ideal world, I'd like to write something once a month, if not twice, if I somehow stick with this new habit I'm trying to develop. I'd say that's a fairly achievable goal for myself.

Outside of work and levelling up my skillset as a Software Engineer, and now that my wife has flown the nest and can drive on the motorway alone, I've gained back a few hours of my day.

No excuses right?